Whenever I see all that men can create I wonder how anyone could doubt a Creator. Men’s imagination is so vast and awe-inspiring that there is no way for me to deny God’s existence!
Psalms 14:1a HCSB
The fool says in his heart, “God does not exist.”…
However, even with all that man has been able to create, God’s creation is so much more vast! To look at the universe (or even just nature here) and say, “there is no God,” is probably the most foolish thing a person could do. In the picture I took today, you can see the tallest man made monument in the United States. The Gateway Arch in St Louis, MO stands an impressive 630ft tall. However, look beyond that and you see the star that God has set to provide heat and energy for all of us. God’s majesty simply outshines even the most prestigious of man’s creation.