Sorry it has been so long…

Greetings in Christ.

It has been quite a while since the last time I posted. I apologize for that.

Here are a few updates I would like to bring to your attention.


I will be working to complete Book 3 (Preparation for the Rewards) very shortly.

I put the third book of my Preparation series on hold to write an Advent devotional during the Christmas season. I will return to that project shortly and have release date for the book very soon.


I will be working on putting the Advent devotional into book form so that you can get your own copy by next season.

This has been a goal of mine from the start. I enjoy writing devotionals and want to do some more for different times of the year.


After I complete the third book of the Preparation series, I will not go directly into the fourth book as I had previously planned. Instead, I plan on working to complete my testimonial work; Rose’s Hope.

This has been a hard book to write, but one of my goals is to complete it this year and hopefully release it to the public by September (there is a reason for this goal).


I would like to start speaking to various groups (especially youth groups). If you would like me to visit your church, school, or other organization to speak to your group, go to the contact page and send me your information with as much details as possible about your group in the commit section.


Thank you for your patience as I have taken a longer than expected break from posting.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Sincerely, in Christ,

Bro James