And what does it mean to Christians?
So how does this very Jewish holiday relate to Christianity?
Purim is a celebration of victory over certain death! It also occurs exactly one month before Passover.
Christians can use the time of joy and laughter to remind themselves of the coming Easter season when God declared victory over all sins.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23 HCSB
It quickly becomes clear that through Jesus, we have reason to celebrate victory over certain death.
The Jewish celebration follows the story of Esther as she helps her uncle Mordecai thwart an attempt by Haman to destroy the Hebrew people. Nearly 500 years and one month later Jesus would thwart sin and death entirely!
Christians can look at the story of Esther in much the same way as the Jews do. We can read the story and remember how God has shown His people love throughout the ages.
In times of distress God has always sent someone to be the salvation of His people. Nearly 2000 years ago He sent the ultimate Savior and He did it for all people! As we near Easter let’s read Esther and remember the grace of God.
These days are remembered and celebrated by every generation, family, province, and city, so that these days of Purim will not lose their significance in Jewish life and their memory will not fade from their descendants.
Esther 9:28 HCSB
Today is the 14th of Adar (Adar II; 9 March, 2020) and the first day of Purim. Even if we do not join the Jewish people in open celebrations, we should at least read the story and remember the love that God has for His people. In one short month we celebrate our most important holiday; Easter! Take some time to remind yourself why “so that these days of [Easter] will not lose their significance in [Christian] life and their memory will not fade from their descendants” (Esther 9:28).