Pray for us!

America has a problem…

Wow! I lined up some quarters by date and noticed something. The quarter on the left is the design that had been used for years. In this line it goes back as far as 1978. The one on the right is the design that started in the late 90s early 2000s that have states and parks on the reverse.

What I noticed is that in the old design, Washington was facing the motto, “In God we trust.” When doing so, Liberty was placed on him. But on the other one, Wahington is focused on Liberty and has turn his back on trusting God. This is a sad but true statement of our country. When we focus on God we have Liberty, but when we focus on Liberty we loose sight of God and will loose Liberty in the end as well. Be careful people. We were once a nation founded on the principles of Christianity, accepting of all people. We have since become a nation turned against Christianity and have separated ourselves from each other. It is hard to stop a downhill slide, but our God is a God of wonders and miracles. He can do all things! We need to turn our focus back on trusting Him.