Peace comes through grace.
Scripture Passage
The birth of Jesus Christ came about this way: After His mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, it was discovered before they came together that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. So her husband Joseph, being a righteous man, and not wanting to disgrace her publicly, decided to divorce her secretly. But after he had considered these things, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because what has been conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”
-Matthew 1:18-21
Joseph was a righteous man, and did not want to disgrace Mary. So, he planned to do the right thing, and divorce her quietly. However, God had different plans. God showed Joseph grace by sending Gabriel to tell him that he was to raise the Messiah. Joseph then extends that grace to Mary and takes her as his wife.
God gives us Peace through grace. It is through grace that we have been saved by Christ, and through that salvation we gain Peace.
The First Advent was a time of grace for the people of Israel. The whole world would benefit from that grace and have Peace placed on them through Christ. The Second Advent will be another time of Peace. Jesus will establish His kingdom of Peace on earth, and the world will know grace. Accept His grace this season, and learn what it means to have Peace in Christ.
Lord and Heavenly Father,
Give us Peace though grace. Lead us into Your graceful presence this season. Teach us to share Your grace with others so that they may know You. We ask this in the name of Jesus.