Trying to do a podcast…

So what’s it like doing a podcast?


Podcasts, for me is basically preaching from an invisible pulpit. There are still nerves, wonders abobut what people will think, anxieties over if I say the wrong things, and every other thought tha goes into standing in front of the congregation with the exception of one. “How do I look?” I know it is ridiculous to worry about such things, but that’s the human side of me.

The spiritual side says that as long aa I can reach one person for Christ, I am an influence and shoul keep going. There are no worries, because I know that God hs given me the words to say, and a outlet to say them. I have to trust God!

So, with that said, my newest podcast is out now. Just follow this link, and listen to an update about what’s coming in next week’s episode and a little introduction to who I am.

Enjoy the podcast, and please feel free to reach out through the comment page or social media if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

With love,

Bro James Pardee