Category: Letter from Bro James
My Complete Series is Available

Are you a new Christian or maybe someone wanting to start fresh in your faith? Either way, A Study in Joshua is the right book for you. Follow along as Bro James dives deep into the Old Testament Book of Joshua and shows how the journey of the Israelite people can help to guide […]
It’s been a while.

Between work (what I do for money) and preaching (what I am called to do) precious little time is left for family and not much else. Writing has become a difficult task.
Dutchess Pardee
August 20, 2004 – December 14, 2020 Dutchess Pardee (16) entered into Heaven this day, 14 December 2020 at Rolling Hills Animal Clinic in Pontotoc. She was laid to rest at her home in Belden. She was preceeded in death by her grandparents Kevin and Barbara Pardee of Thaxton, her uncles Sherman and Toby Hollingsworth […]
I am not an orphan
It has been over eight years since my father passed away, and today: November 28, 2020: I lost my mother. But, I am not an orphan. I have my Heavenly Father. My hope rest in Him. I know that both my parents had professed their faith before and so I trust in His promise. And […]